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Scar Treatments

What Are Keloid and Hypertrophic Scars?

Hypertrophic scars are much more common than keloids and they often fade with time. Keloids are considered benign tumors because of the size these scars can become. Keloids form when fibroblasts continue to form after the wound has already healed. The continued production of fibroblasts causes a lump of these fibers to develop on the surface of the skin. Not only are keloid scars unpleasant to look at, but they can also cause itchiness, discoloration, redness, and pain.

What is Keloid and Hypertrophic Scar Treatment?

Steroid Injections

Steroid injections are a common treatment for keloid and hypertrophic scars that can help minimize them and reduce their appearance. Corticosteroid solution breaks down the bonds between collagen fibers that form scar tissue. This is a gradual process that will require several injections scheduled every few weeks. The exact number of injections you will need depends on the severity of your scar and Olga can give you a more precise number after examining your skin.

SkinPen Microneedling

Microneedling can also be used to eliminate scars but is more effective for smaller scars, such as acne scars. The SkinPen is a small device with several tiny needles that puncture the skin to stimulate the body’s natural healing process. The healing process includes collagen production and after a series of treatments, new skin cells will develop to heal over your scars. Before using the SkinPen, Olga will apply a topical anesthetic to minimize discomfort.


Almost everyone who is unhappy with the appearance of their scars is a candidate for scar treatment! If you are receiving steroid injections, make sure you do not have an allergy to corticosteroids.


Steroid Injections

After 3-6 months, keloids will flatten and become less noticeable and hypertrophic scars can sometimes be completely eliminated.

SkinPen Microneedling

3-6 treatments administered every few months will be needed. The exact number of microneedling sessions you will need depends on the severity of the scar. Some patients will start to see results within a week of their first treatment and complete results can be seen after 3-4 months once enough collagen has been produced.

Contact Us Today

If you want to rejuvenate your skin and get rid of unsightly scars, schedule a consultation with Olga Nazarov, PA-C at Glamour Medical Aesthetics in the Miami and Aventura, FL area using our online contact form.

Thread Lifts for Face

What is a Thread Lift?

A “thread lift” is a non-surgical facelift that uses biodegradable, medical-grade thread to lift sagging muscles and skin on your face. A thread lift can be performed on the midface, jawline, neck, around the brows, or around the mouth to eliminate smile lines.


If your skin has started to sag and you want to tighten it back up, you may be a great candidate for a thread lift. The best candidates for this procedure are in their late 30s-early 50s and are in relatively good health. Those who are unable to have a surgical facelift are also the ideal candidates for a thread lift.

Thread Lift Treatment

During your treatment, you can relax in a reclining chair. Your skin will be prepped with a topical anesthetic and then a thin needle will insert the threads under the skin. This is a relatively painless procedure that only takes 30-45 minutes. Immediately after the threads are inserted, you will feel a light pressure under the skin. There may be mild swelling and bruising for a week after your procedure, but the pain is minimal.


Once the swelling reduces and the threads settle, you will be able to see the gorgeous results of your thread lift: lifted, tighter skin, and a more youthful appearance. These results can last anywhere from 1-3 years, depending on your skin type and how your skin ages.

Contact Us Today

If you want to restore a more youthful appearance and eliminate signs of aging, consider a thread lift at Glamour Medical Aesthetics in the Miami and Aventura, FL area under the expert care of Olga Nazarov, PA-C. To schedule a consultation, give our office a call or fill out an online contact form.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

What is PRP?

PRP treatment uses plasma injections with a high concentration of healing platelets to rejuvenate the face and improve signs of aging. The platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is harvested from your own blood, which will be drawn from your arm. The high concentration of platelets stimulates collagen production and stem cells that assist in wound healing and cell regeneration. By injecting pure PRP directly into the skin, cells will regenerate quicker and fill in facial lines, folds, and wrinkles.


Patients who have an active infection or certain skin or blood disorders may not be a candidate for this treatment. You should also not be currently pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking corticosteroid injections. Ideal candidates are in good health and want to reduce signs of aging.

PRP Treatment

The first step in your PRP treatment is to draw your blood and then place the vial into a centrifuge where it will be spun to separate the red blood cells from the platelets/PRP. PRP will then be injected into your skin or can be combined with a SkinPen microneedling treatment to administer the healing platelets deep into the layers of the skin. Injected PRP directly into the body allows body tissues to fully absorb the platelets and benefit from their anti-aging properties.


There is no downtime, but you may experience slight swelling, redness, and bruising after treatment. Most people heal within 2-4 days. PRP stimulates your body’s natural collagen production, so results take time to develop. You should start to see results in a few weeks, but complete results can take up to 3 months to develop.

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A PRP facial uses innovative technology to give your body the maximum anti-aging boost. If you want to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and the texture of your skin, schedule a consultation with Olga Nazarov, PA-C, at Glamour Medical Aesthetics in the Miami and Aventura, FL area by filling out an online contact form.


Fillers and Injectables

Olga offers the following fillers and injectables, each designed to treat specific areas of the face for various concerns:


Neuromodulators are a specific type of wrinkle-relaxing filler with a botulinum toxin A base. This neurotoxin works by temporarily paralyzing the muscle it is injected into to prevent contractions. If the underlying muscle beneath the skin is not able to contract, wrinkles cannot form. These injectables enhance your natural beauty and reduce signs of aging for a quick refresh.


Botox is a botulinum toxin A injectable is used to smooth and prevent frown lines or glabellar lines on the forehead, smile lines around the eyes (crow’s feet), and bunny lines on the nose and improve the appearance of nasolabial folds.


Dysport is another botulinum toxin A injectable, similar to Botox but with a different formula that can produce results slightly faster. It is most often used to treat frown lines between the eyebrows and crow’s feet.


Jeuveau is a newer botulinum toxin A injectable used to smooth glabellar lines and fine lines around the lips. It can also be used to improve the appearance of nasolabial folds which extend from the bottom of the nose to the corners of the mouth.


Xeomin is considered a vegan injectable because it contains a more purified version of botulinum toxin A without animal proteins. This neurotoxin injectable smooths frown lines on the forehead and other facial lines but is also used to prevent muscle spasms in the neck, eyelids, and limbs.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers restore volume to hollowed areas that have lost their firmness and volume due to aging and a natural decrease in collagen production. They are used to fill hollowed cheeks and dark circles around the eyes, augment the lips, and improve other areas of volume loss.


The Juvéderm line offers a variety of fillers that stimulate collagen production to plump the skin and restore a naturally youthful, beautiful appearance. This is a hyaluronic acid dermal filler that will also hydrate the skin around the treatment area.

Revanesse Versa

Revanesse Versa is another hyaluronic acid filler used to fill in facial creases, such as nasolabial folds, and improve the appearance of undereye hollows. The thick gel formula can also be used to fill and plump thin lips.


Restylane offers a variety of hyaluronic acid fillers to restore volume loss, augment and retexture the lips, and smooth mild to severe wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds and marionette lines.


Radiesse is a calcium hydroxyapatite-based filler that stimulates collagen production to naturally fill facial wrinkles and folds. Radiesse can also be used to improve the appearance of deep scars and prominent veins on the back of the hands.

RHA Redensity Fillers

RHA Redensity fillers are made from resilient hyaluronic acid to treat all facial lines and wrinkles, from superficial fine lines to deep facial folds. There are 3 different types of fillers designed to treat each condition.


Sculptra is a poly-L-lactic acid filler that stimulates collagen production for a gradual effect that lasts up to two years. Sculptra is used to restore facial volume and contour the face but is also used for our Sculptra butt lift.


Bellafill uses collagen and biodegradable microbeads to fill deep wrinkles and moderate to severe acne scars. This filler can also be used to correct nose bumps, sagging earlobes, and more.

Schedule a Consultation

Olga Nazarov, PA-C, offers a wide variety of injectables and fillers to meet every client’s specific needs at Glamour Medical Aesthetics in the Miami and Aventura, FL area. Schedule a consultation today to determine which of these injectables and/or fillers will be most effective for your specific skincare concern.

Olga Nazarov, PA-C, specializes in non-surgical cosmetic procedures that will give you the same aesthetically pleasing results as surgery with fewer risks and a shorter recovery.

Stunning Smile

Contour and Redefine


Contact Us Today

To learn more about the non-surgical procedures offered at Glamour Medical Aesthetics, schedule a consultation with Olga Nazarov, PA-C, at Glamour Medical Aesthetics in the Miami and Aventura, FL area using our online contact form or call our office at 786-505-9514.

Chemical Peels

What is a Chemical Peel?

A chemical peel is a skincare treatment to improve the overall tone and texture of your skin. It involves applying a chemical solution to the skin to remove the top layers, allowing the skin to grow back smoother and more even. Chemical peels are most often used on the face, but they can also improve the skin on your neck and hands.

A chemical peel can improve the following:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Acne and acne scars
  • Sun-damage
  • Irregular skin texture and tone
  • Large pores


Healthy individuals who are looking to improve the texture and tone of their skin may be able to benefit from a chemical peel. However, you may not be an ideal chemical peel candidate if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, have certain skin conditions, have very deep facial lines or wrinkles, or have very deep scars. To learn more about chemical peels and if they are right for your skincare goals, contact our office to schedule a consultation.

The Chemical Peel Treatment

There are a variety of different chemical peel depths available. Depending on the unique issues you wish to address with your peel, one of the following may be beneficial:

Light Peels

These peels remove the outermost layer of skin called the epidermis to treat fine lines and wrinkles, uneven skin tone, dryness, and acne. A light peel can be repeated every 2 to 5 weeks.

Medium Peels

Medium peels remove the skin cells from the epidermis and from parts of the upper part of the middle layer of skin called the dermis. It is ideal for treating wrinkles, acne scars, and uneven skin tone.

Deep Peels

A deep chemical peel removed skin cells even deeper than a medium peel. This treatment may be recommended to improve deeper wrinkles or scars. Deep peels do not have to be repeated to achieve full effects.


After your chemical peel, your skin may be right, red, irritated, or swollen for a time. We will provide you with aftercare instructions regarding cleansing, moisturizing, sun protection, and any other production for your skin. Avoid rubbing, scratching, or picking your skin for the best results. Depending on the depth of your peel, it may take several months to notice full results.

For best results, we recommend that you receive a course of 3 to 6 treatments each spaced 4 weeks apart.

Contact Us Today

If you are interested in scheduling a chemical peel for an improved complexion, contact Glamour Medical Aesthetics today to schedule your consultation appointment. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

SkinPen Microneedling

What is SkinPen Microneedling?

Microneedling, or collagen induction therapy, is a minimally invasive skin rejuvenation procedure that helps minimize fine lines and wrinkles, improve the appearance of acne scars, and rejuvenate aging skin.

A microneedling treatment with SkinPen is generally a safe and effective procedure that can improve acne scarring, fine lines and wrinkles, loose skin, poor skin texture, pore size, brown spots, stretch marks, and pigment issues.

At our clinic and Med Spa, Olga Nazarov, PA-C performs microneedling treatments on most areas of the body, including the face, neck, chest, arms, hands, abdomen, and buttocks.

Candidates for Microneedling

Because it is a minimally invasive treatment, most people are candidates for SkinPen microneedling. It can be used on all skin types and tones, including darker skin that’s more susceptible to hyperpigmentation from advanced dermal lasers that might otherwise stimulate collagen production. The best way to know if you are a good candidate for this procedure, contact our office today to schedule a consultation.

SkinPen Treatment

The SkinPen procedure typically takes 30 minutes to an hour. The process begins with a detailed consultation in which we will design a treatment plan specific to you and your skin concerns. For optimal comfort, we will use a topical numbing cream to ensure a well-tolerated procedure. Once the numbing cream has taken effect, the area will be treated using the SkinPen microneedling device. Most people report feeling just the slight vibration of SkinPen during the procedure.

Typically, 3-4 treatments are required for best results and up to 6 treatments for more severe conditions such as atrophic acne scars, deeply uneven skin tone, and stretch marks.

Results of SkinPen Microneedling

The total healing time after microneedling depends on each individual. Most patients have some slight swelling and redness similar to a mild to moderate sunburn for two to four days following the micro-needling procedure. Some people may heal completely in 24 hours.

Most patients complete a series of three to six SkinPen procedures spaced about four weeks apart. Olga Nazarov will determine the number of SkinPen treatments specific to you. However, while multiple sessions are recommended to achieve optimal results, you may see noticeable improvements just one week following the procedure. Your skin will gradually improve as your body’s healing process promotes collagen remodeling.

You will continue to see improvement in your skin for 3-6 months after treatment as new collagen grows, giving your skin a more youthful and healthy appearance. To maintain your results, we recommend undergoing a SkinPen cosmetic procedure every 4-6 months once you have reached your desired result.

Contact Us Today

Microneedling is a great treatment to address common signs of aging and skin concerns such as facial acne scars, regardless of skin color. Contact Glamour Medical Aesthetics today to schedule your consultation appointment to get started.

Double Chin Removal with Kybella

What is Kybella?

When you look in the mirror, are you bothered by the look of extra fullness beneath your chin? This is known as submental fullness, and while some people can acquire it over time due to weight gain or aging, some people are simply born with it due to genetics. Kybella is an effective, non-surgical treatment option to eliminate submental fullness for an improved profile. The active ingredient in Kybella is synthetic deoxycholic acid. This acid aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat.

What Areas can Kybella Treat?

When the targeted cells are destroyed by Kybella, they can no longer store or accumulate fat. The best thing is that clinical studies have demonstrated that Kybella’s benefits are long-lasting and may be used for a variety of purposes!

This treatment can target a variety of regions that the gym can’t, including your arms, lower belly, double chin, jowls, face, arms, bra fat, back inner thighs, and other difficult-to-maintain areas. Where traditional weight loss has failed you, Kybella may be able to help you achieve your objectives and shed the fat that the gym hasn’t been able to help you lose. There’s a reason why this fat-burning injection is so popular. Proven effective in countless other areas, from a double chin to your knees, Kybella can treat almost any area.


Healthy adults 18 years or older who wish to eliminate excess fullness under their chin or other areas of the body can often benefit from Kybella. You should not undergo this treatment if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, have had or plan to have surgery on your face, neck, or chin, or have bleeding problems. To learn if this treatment is a good match for you, contact us to schedule a consultation appointment.

The Kybella Treatment

When you come for your Kybella treatment at Glamour Medical, there are a few things to keep in mind. For starters, Kybella is a progressive procedure, so you won’t see benefits right away. This implies that optimal results are usually achieved with 2-4 Kybella sessions spaced one month apart, therefore the entire treatment might take anywhere from 2-4 months!

Depending on the severity of the region and desired results, 1 or 2 vials may be used. It’s best to discuss your concerns with Olga to determine how many treatments you’ll need to achieve your goals.

Second, one of the side effects is that there is minor swelling associated with this procedure and you will probably want to disguise it! For the next 2-3 weeks after your treatment, a scarf will be your best friend in hiding the swelling. A little swelling is worth it for long-term fat reduction, especially because you can cover it with a scarf right now.

Third, this is not a weight-loss surgery; rather, it is utilized to reduce fat in specific areas. Kybella cannot help you with a six-pack or those extra 20 pounds, but it can help you with the permanent elimination of excess fat around the chin, neck, jowls, face, arms, bra fat, or back!


Following your Kybella treatment, you may experience mild swelling, numbness, redness, or areas of hardness in the treatment area which will resolve with time. We advise that you avoid rubbing or pressing on the treatment area after treatment, and avoid intense exercise and prolonged sun exposure.

Contact Us Today

If there’s a feature that’s always bothered you, but you can’t seem to get rid of it, we might be able to help! We’d love to speak with you and see if we can help you with your issues. Kybella can cure almost anything, so give us a call or make an appointment online!

Earlobe Rejuvenation

What is Earlobe Rejuvenation?

Earlobe rejuvenation is a very effective non-surgical procedure to plump up thin earlobes due to aging, a congenital deformity, or to improve an ear-piercing hole that has become elongated from wearing heavy earrings. Fine lines in the earlobe disappear and, overall, the ear has a more youthful look.

Benefits of earlobe fillers:

  • Add more volume
  • Smooth out creases and lines in the earlobe
  • Minimize the appearance of large ear piercings


Healthy individuals who would like to restore the appearance of their earlobes without surgery can often benefit from earlobe rejuvenation with fillers. It is not advised that pregnant or breastfeeding women receive fillers, as they can interfere with blood flow and produce swelling. To learn more about candidacy, contact our office today to schedule a consultation appointment.

Earlobe Rejuvenation Treatment

Hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers are the best option when it comes to earlobe rejuvenation. This type of filler includes families like Restylane® or Juvéderm® which have specific formulations for each area or level of rejuvenation.

The earlobe filler rejuvenation procedure takes about 15 minutes to complete, and the results are instantaneous. The treatment begins with a detailed consultation in which Olga Nazarov-PA will explain the procedure and select the fillers and techniques that will produce the specific results you desire. A topical anesthetic cream will be applied to ensure a well-tolerated procedure. Once the anesthetic cream has taken effect, the earlobes will be reshaped with a series of injections using a fine needle.


There is no downtime required following earlobe rejuvenation. You can feel free to wear earrings once any swelling subsides. Hyaluronic dermal fillers last much longer in the earlobe than in other areas of the face, due to a lack of wear and tear from muscle movement. HA filler in the earlobe can last up to 12 months or more.

Contact Us Today

For more information regarding earlobe rejuvenation at Glamour Medical Aesthetics in Miami, FL, contact our office today. Your first step toward treatment will be to schedule a consultation appointment with Olga Nazarov-PA.

What is Jawline and Chin Augmentation?

For both men and women, an angular jawline and a strong chin are important for face symmetry, harmony, and beauty. Unfortunately, many of us do not have a naturally defined jawline and may have a reduced jaw structure, a receding chin, or another unattractive appearance.

Dermal fillers to augment the jaw and chin (sometimes called jawline and chin contouring) is an excellent therapy for this prevalent condition at Glamour Medical. We can temporarily reshape and enhance your jaw with a few simple injections, giving you a more beautiful facial profile.

At Glamour Medical, we use dermal fillers like Juvéderm and Restylane to artfully reshape and enhance your jawline. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring chemical that adds volume to your skin and helps it retain moisture, and these FDA-approved dermal fillers are made from it.

While dermal fillers have a variety of uses for anti-aging and facial contouring, including lip plumping and wrinkle smoothing, they can also:

  • Enhance chin structure and projection
  • Achieve a more angular jawline
  • Reduce the appearance of a double chin
  • Resolve a receding chin
  • Add prominence to a recess
  • Enhance and sculpt the jawline

Jawline contouring and chin augmentation are becoming one of the most popular dermal filler treatments available. At our Miami, FL office, we can perform a jawline contouring procedure using dermal fillers to achieve a more contoured chin and jawline.

Who is a Good Candidate for Jawline and Chin Augmentations?

Candidates for chin and jaw enhancement in Aventura include those who are:

  • Dissatisfied with the shape of their chin
  • Want to subtly enhance their facial profile
  • Want to resolve asymmetry
  • Want to avoid surgery
  • Want a more defined jawline

Traditionally, a chin implant or liposuction has been the solution to a double chin but non-surgical chin augmentation is becoming a very popular alternative. Jawline and chin contouring can easily be combined with Kybella, an injectable treatment that can reduce a double chin and enhance facial anatomy. While Kybella reduces submental fat, chin augmentation can enhance chin projection.

Jawline contouring is designed to achieve a defined jawline. If you are bothered by the appearance of a wide jaw, then jawline slimming may be a better option. This is a non-surgical procedure where Botox relaxes the masseter muscles to reduce the jawline.

The first step is an in-person initial consultation at our clinic, where we can discuss your medical history, ensure injectable fillers are an appropriate treatment for you, and develop a treatment plan. We’ll examine your chin and jawline, talk about the enhancements that our chin and jawline contouring can provide, and suggest any alternative solutions for achieving your aesthetic goals.

The Procedure

Your jawline contouring procedure begins with selecting the right dermal fillers for your cosmetic needs. Our team can help you select the right product from our selection of hyaluronic acid based fillers. Jawline and chin contouring is not painful because most dermal fillers contain lidocaine, a numbing ingredient. The injection sites will be carefully marked so your injector can precisely place the product. Once the product has been placed in your facial features, all markings will be removed. You will be able to instantly see a more contoured jawline and enhanced facial features.

Jawline and Chin Contouring Aftercare

You may have minor bruising and swelling after your chin augmentation or facial contouring procedure. These side effects fade very quickly and you can return to daily activities right away. You will instantly notice a more defined jawline, balanced appearance, and improved facial structure after your dermal filler treatment. Your natural-looking results will last for 12 months or more depending on the dermal fillers you select.

Contact Us

If you are interested in learning more about our jawline contouring and chin augmentation procedures or would like to schedule a consultation appointment, please contact our Miami, FL office today.